We present the case of a patient who came to her consultation requesting a fixed prosthesis in the posterior mandible section.
Clinical and radiological examination showed bone atrophy with a height on the dental nerve of approximately 7.5mm and a horizontal atrophy that precludes the placement of dental implants.

In terms of treatment options, we assessed on one hand the option of a horizontal augmentation and placement of short 6.5-7mm implants, and on the other carrying out a vertical augmentation either through an interposition graft (Sandwich Technique) or through a tunnelled cortical graft according to Professor Khoury’s description. We settled on this latter option.

Our objective was to regain the lost height for the posterior placing of implants 3.8-4.5mm in diameter and 9.5-11mm in length.

Below are the case photos. We hope you find them interesting.

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